"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Friday 15 January 2016

Discover supernoa 570 billion times greater than from the sun shining

New York-how amazing our Galaxy within his stories, which ends, nor is it perhaps scientists can estimate the correct far hence every passing month, and year, or a new planet with many stars appears in front of the new world, and now the most powerful so far, astronomers have discovered a star with e sprinova explosion.
Scientists say the explosion was seen in June last year for the first time the stars but still tremendous ongoing waves of energy that are nearly 200 times more than sprinova out the stars from the powerful and the amazing thing is that 570 billion times greater than our Sun -shiny and bright. According to astronomers, it is very sprinova at the same time, rotation speed floating its speed decreasing over the gas and dust around during the process in very large quantities of energy out.
Researchers believe it was bang and then all of the activity actually the star situated in the middle of a very dense and intense magnetic force is called "mingatar" which contains the munitions while the ball about the size of London, like any big city is equal to, and possibly a second pace like a thousand times in circulation.
Ohio State Universityprofessor who is an expert in search of sprinova stars were a team on the track, he said, it is very solid in the Center sound Super aormmakna as this is our Sun and the central part of the area in which it is leaving our energy from the Sun is five or six times more than the speed of 10,000 kilometers per second, and that leads to the outside Continues to grow.
By far the most powerful automated Sky Survey searching for this sprinova the sprinova, which is 3.8 billion light years from Earth, it says it can not be viewed without a telescope. Astronomers say they are the biggest explosions in the sky, the stars of their interest and always keep an eye on their erring and detection, see how the transition to democracy and civilian rule, that in our universe, it sprnoa a key link. According to experts the real sprinova star will also be quite large compared to our Sun, possibly even larger than 50 to 100 times.

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