"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Monday 25 January 2016

UK facilities for men to marry more than one law

London-more than one concept of marriage, it is common for societies like Pakistan, but British law does not allow it, though the difficulties of people from societies to British Government plans to give them more choice, and it was decided to make a law.
British Parliament House of Commons after the wives of the men in more than one research facility is being called the universal credit to legal welfare system could be implemented until 2021. The report suggests that the man who will be fulfilling, from the convenience of societies where polygamy is allowed, and the interesting thing is that in addition to Zambia, other nations living in the uk, the Middle East, the Pakistani who has been fulfilling the law of privileges.
No more than one to get married in the uk there is no official data, individuals however, according to one estimate there are 20,000 Muslims living in Britain, where the family of a man who be sinning ?. Britain's current law husband and his first wife, cost the Government £ 114.85 weekly and if a partner is also living under one roof, it 40 ponds.
The proposed new law, the husband and wife shall meet the other ponds monthly, The only person wife 468.89 317.83 ponds. In other words, it can be argued that if the first wife, and married her husband will be entitled to claim as much as a person, but you will be given other wives.

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