"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Tuesday 12 January 2016

Women are more children could lifespan, research disclosure

British Columbia, Canada: health experts have advised that women who want to add more to their children for a long life.
According to health experts, a new study has revealed that this amazing women's children are mostly his DNA found on the banks of the 'telomrs' or' women's children are small compared to the rest, because they show less life to all body cells of old . Therefore, because of the long life long telomrs telomrs telomrs 60-year-old man's child - are remote from them. Research the University of British Columbia from the mouth of the 75 women for body DNA reviews and their telomrs the length of Napa, in which a women's DNA were on average 13 years or less who reviewed that naturally are less telomrs to Napa.
According to experts, the length of the telomrs and their children as a result, the number of women in a relationship was disclosed. The first of its kind to study the scientists say that it was the first known female children as a result of old age is rapidly poured bite.
Telomrs other women and children, according to the scientists compared to women because of a hormone long thyjs "aistrogen", which is more than during pregnancy, and it prevents the hormone increased the resulting compressed telomrs.
Experts believe the effect on the length of the home, society and natural environment, because the telomrs also fold and women with many children and to get help and support from loved ones, it is a sense of security in community help anyone that is increasingly fragmented cells, metabolic body energy from the collapse.

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