"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Friday, 5 February 2016

African People spend billions of dollars a year in Hair Styling

Nairobi: the beauty and charm of the human personality, the main role in the safety of their hair, the people he so good looking but full attention to Africa's poor continent of the world, women and men hair style, to give back all the money on the billions of dollars a year for the sake of his hobby to blow up the essence of God.
The current African country, a report said people in Nigeria to create attractive and strange hair style every year, while this year only had spent 44 million $ conditioner 11% increase in purchase and other items. In South Africa during the 2013-2014 fiscal year increased by 7% in hair has seen to that, people in Kenya to protect your hair and make a new style this year, spent $ 10 million this year, the Saloon similar cell 8% have been recorded.
New hair style and design are to African countries in the world, while in Nigeria but has left behind all the proportion of hair constantly is increasing and where to go for this trend in women, but is also dead. So the big actors in hair-related ads to Africa so that I am selling more and more products in the common people. Euro monitor says that as people in cities is increasing trend so well on the hair is even more because the modern and attractive hair style products style to many in need to create them price is also increasing.
Fair Care Industry reported growth of 8% in Algeria in 2014 when it became the obsession has reached Tunisia's hair styling and hair care industry is also growing rapidly.

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