"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Thursday 4 February 2016

During the conversation, ever-ready robot review human attitudes

New York: generally, we humans also take stock of each other during conversation or the owner of the skills that people are the heart of the other person during or have other people stand up, during which some people see this work finished quickly but will now contact came when a robot will converse with them, it's like human beings with different social Attitudes will perform and people will help maintain contact came.
He is the great scientist of the University of wisconsin eyes that robot will examine the front during the prepared and will perform according to the reaction. Scientists say the robot when it combines with human eyes, are different changes that have an opportunity to understand the patterns of speech of the people.

According to scientists throughout the day when you meet people, before the eyes of different people feel our signals are coming, in the which some people see with the eyes of compassion, some problems and some strange way to see them is called gazing and in social attitudes have been robot program. Scientists in the lab, some people saw the film, and talk of how they see each other, and then they made it a dead mechanical eye, now in computer by the program feed constantly felt some anxiety from which look at robot robots and tried to remove his eyes from his eye. Scientists say that it will help people to understand that when the eyes are not to mingle.
Scientists say that this study when the eye has seen the robot, he also began to see here as a man who had the opportunity to understand that what that person does so on point. He said it will help to define your personality better and others will come to affect even the art.
This research also showed that those who are living in our personality or shy came quickly and leave a set or contact eyes when those that are more lovely they came in contact for a very long time, and it helps to keep a balanced robot people. Such robots are created in many countries of the world such as Singapore is a robot as receptionists, with negative and positive attitudes and the clients is expressed.

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