"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Wednesday 3 February 2016

Muslims are making significant role in society, President Obama

Washington: us President Barack Obama has said that the Muslim society are important to secure the role, while the us American Muslims in writing.
This is the first time any President has visited the mosque in American history on this occasion, while Barack Obama said that the killing of a human being gives humanity as the killing of the Quran, but the idea of Islam and other organisations are doing wrong daash because Islam is a peaceful religion and Muslims together can eliminate extremism.

He said that after the events of terrorism, was presented the concept of Islam, but Muslims are the main role to secure society and America is an important part of the development of Muslims. President Obama said that is no room for prejudice in American society because the Muslim community is an important part of not only American family, but also in the development of America's main us kerdarhai and American Muslims in the process.
He said that people of all faiths in the Middle East fear attacks on any religious group, but it is important, and we take against terrorist propaganda should come in the best way for us to fight terrorism while the.

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