"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Saturday 26 March 2016

Himalaya chain may threaten the water to warm, experts information technology

Nepal information technology: International experts have warned that the Hindu Kush to the water resources and billions of people, Karakoram and Himalayan (HKH) the future of mountain ranges thirst, heat and humidity pose a threat to water resources can be fully May be.
International Center for Anti Integrated Mountain Development (ICIMOD) and other international says international organizations is linked to the South Asian rivers fill with water and food is famous H K H chain was hardest hit by changes in climate and it can be quite hot and dry mountain stream. It has millions of people living in economic and social life can be severely affected. Experts have also called for more resources and preparation for further research and improvements in human beings on this matter.
According to the Hindu Kush and Himalayas Himalayan Water Atlas mountain range, which is being rapidly heated over other regions of the world. By 2050 the average temperature here may be even warmer in winter when it grows to such a degree Celsius heat could further increase.
Atlas will be less rain events that have been added, but will increase the duration of a flood and the drought is rain, which will increase the intensity and amount. It will increase by five major rivers, the Ganges, Mekong, Brahmaputra, salyun and 2050 Pakistan will have no lack of water, but glacier melting will fill the river students speak and explode them and glaciers floods from glacier melting. Special preparation of the report to avoid flooding the countries that have been hard to take advantage of these mountains.

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