"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Friday, 4 March 2016

Scientists detected the gene causing hair whiteness || Hair Technology

Hair technology
London-people across the world, become a victim of white hair in the age after which they have to dye their hair to hide white hair but do not need to worry about these people because scientists have learned a gene, which is the cause of white hair.
British scientists say the discovery of the genes from this natural increase will be easy to create a delay or avoid the symbol and the people can find a way that will prevent the whitening of hair. According to scientists from the white hair color hair can be hidden for a few days, but the short time then it is need now, however, this issue will not be for long, but a genetic change in the future, it will get rid permanently.
During this research, the team of scientists from the us and Europe, local African race by more than 6,000 DNA samples of which it came out that r. f. 4, natural hair, skin and eye belonged to Jean named lime which are called milanan, and this is not white and it is available in 6 chromosome control only to It is to be a Jain. University College London, included in the research connected with experts say we know that many jeans are related to color of hair pins and bald, but now for the first time humans have discovered the white color as well as jeans related jeans that are related to the shape and size of hair there. Experts said that it was possible that the research just a different race during the analysis of those was on a large scale that it did not before. According to research from the melanocytes your hair lime colors are created are present in the roots of hair cells named and like to create this melanocytes as they age, their natural hair color and close the pupil, are losing their white color. Experts with many genetic and environmental issues to grow old are affected in this research in the incoming IR f 4 Jean is also included.

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