"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Treatment for inflammation of the eyes, it is possible to fungus|| Health magazine

Eye health magazine
London-hundreds of thousands of millions of people in the world are the inflammation and red, oozing eyes, putting a nail fungus (mold) can be an effective treatment for them from drops. According to the scientists, an important element found in soil of Norway 'immunity system of the body while you hold down the "cyclosporine eye irritation and inflammation in the immediate period, it has been obtained from mold a kind of chemical. In the 1960s, scientists in Norway from hardangervidda mountain was then called tolypocladium inflatum clay Lewis, who came first in the mold in the soil to become the name of the drop has been ikervis. According to experts from the eyes is a dangerous process could be the missing moisture is blind because it can cause keratitis. Experts say that in the eyes of the 246 patients as experimental mold adapted drops a lot of improvement in their eyes and be seen when many eyes lenses (qrnia) also did not affect them. Considering the usefulness of this drug were expert at the University of niocasl says that for the first time, we have seen real change on patients from the drought of the eyes and to become licensed for people troubled by keratitis disease medicine around the world, helped to resolve the problem.

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