"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Sunday, 3 April 2016

Smartphone app will be treated eyes

London health magazine: Treatment of eyes in poor countries has always been a big problem and that is why the number of people in remote and eye diseases in poor countries of Africa, millions but the British doctor who has developed a removing solution App which will help the most inexpensive treatment possible.
British doctor Andrew changed under the supervision of the smartphone app developed for this tool and it had the support can detect not only the patient but the treatment was possible. The doctor said that more than 3 million people worldwide are blind, but it is possible to treat 80 percent of them, however, would not be possible lack of treatment facilities. The doctor said that Kenya and most blind people in poor countries are suffering, cataracts and refective when it can be returned sight to treat these diseases, but they missed treatment due to lack of facilities go, made it difficult to keep doctor Andrew and his team introduced the portable eye examination Kit (pack) app with the help of which he visited 21 thousand children's eyes in just 9 days and now in eastern Kenya more 3 million people intend to inspect.
Dr Andrew says that is displayed in various formats on the phone's screen character on the pack and the patient when the direction of your character to see it could determine expressing hurt your eyes, according to examiner illness the results of this test are available immediately and the patient can see it on your mobile in a message.
A feature of this app is a piece of hardware that pack is put on the smartphone's camera is the retina can be made from easily-III-D printer, set it on the camera of the patient's eye is the juxtaposition who will focus on the retina of the eye and the examiner sees clearly cataracts with it and detect eye disease glaucoma, macular de-generation and diabetic retinopathy but it also increases the running to help determine the patient's blood pressure and sugar levels.
Experts say more people so that Dr. Andrews team for this app because it got rid of the traditional and expensive equipment eye treatment facility and is training local people benefit from it.

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