"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Saturday, 30 January 2016

Now where is || Islam

Musharraf era of liberalism ascends fever is now coming up with its intensity. Musharraf's "Border" was at hand. Zardari promises "hard parts" and corruption, an "art" made. The government of Nawaz Sharif, head up into the magic of liberalism is speaking. Hussain shortly before the influence of the magic disagree out his statement which was causing them hnsayy jug. See the words of his speech:
In a country where there is justice, scholars would teach error, the society can never progress.
A common question that comes to mind are the legal scholars or Aitchison murder, Oxford-educated persons or haurdz? If scholars are teaching error in our media society which promotes anarchy is barbaric actions, do they? Perhaps religious orders who preach error is equivalent to the likes of Colleges and Universities for the ban on preaching modesty because it was immoral harm to society. Because now the students of colleges and universities more than one bottle in the eye under the influence of fear they were going. If scholars are in error because you mjrun, dance organs, cat walk, arts ksyfh the arts by calling the media to promote immorality night'll category?
The government coalition parties and the co-education of "leading" garbage dumps, Edhi and other philanthropic bodies dumped on the swings is satisfied only religious activities in schools have been confusion in their eyes.
Nawaz Sharif
God is a judge. The error of the younger generation of today who are making equipment equation would cause you shame and punishment. Even if I have children, daughters and sons of this nation's religious training if you do not realize that this is not God's judgment on judgment day, your clothes and hands

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