"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Wednesday 24 February 2016

Speedster, Wi-Gig 'technology HD video in seconds Download || technology

Wi-Fi users around the world are worried as slow as much as on the beginning of the Internet was opened to the Internet through telephone but now Intel has to demonstrate a revolutionary touch Wi-Fi which is a HD video has been downloaded in just a few seconds.
Wi-Fi speed is achieved through the process is the same as cable and wires and it has been wireless gigabit (Wi-Gig). An HD video downloaded in just 4 seconds in the demonstration. According to Intel, this is a revolutionary method that will change data sharing. Wi-Gig is a new Wi-spectrum (radio waves) uses IEEE 802.11ad which was called then fired IEEE 802.11ac and 802.11n bands and will take place on the 60 GHz channel.
1 GB in a second!
A gigabyte very easily via Gig technology (GB) of data can be downloaded via wireless in a second. According to Intel, it is not only works on conventional wireless band but also a technical support 'beam forming' usually used for sensors and directional signal transmission. That limit is only 10 meters or 32 feet is very low, but there is a suitable band WiFi IEEE 802.11ah to send signal over long distances, which uses less energy but is very slow. It would be negligible internet where it is appropriate for rural and remote areas.

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