"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Sunday, 3 April 2016

The scientists prepared a transparent timber like a glass

Stockholm: Swedish scientists who may have developed the first transparent glass material such as wood is a revolution in the world of construction.
Stockholm's KTH Royal sticker Institute of Technology has developed a transparent material imported ingredients derived from wood, which replaced expensive and heavy glass in the future will be able to develop woven glass light wood, more light in the home Making it possible for the walls of this material should be prepared even when the windows of a solar cell.
The light sentence to be possible to use this power.
According to many scientists, solar (solar) cell may be removed light balls lignin a substance for the manufacture of wood and the wood is made transparent. lignin the departure of the white wood was estimated through the Plexiglas at the nano level, after which more light wooden cross.

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