New York: even though potatoes across the world, most of chips and other vegetable that is eaten with dshs people eat, but now have been warned in a study that women once a week during
pregnancy in the potatoes or chips is going to further dilute the risk of adult-onset diabetes in food if a woman eat potatoes once a week, it will be more than 5 times the risk of diabetes. Research commissioned in the us that the level of sugar in the blood, overdose of gluten present in potatoes faster train both children and a pregnant woman is at risk.

During the study, published in the
British medical journal, more than 21,000 to 10 test pregnant women and risk of associated with sweating more potatoes. This research from 1991 to 2001 was pregnant during the research nurses cases in which no one has had no serious illness prior to
pregnant women in every four years, however, the use of potatoes in their food was taken, and details about the sweating during pregnancy cases are also listed. For more than 10 years, research has had 21 cases in which the victim of sweating during pregnancy women 854. This research was also to other threats, such as age, family history, physical activities, food, and overall sweating fats.

Research it out during the 2 to 4 times a week, nurses that were 100 g steamed potatoes, potato chips or potatoes or sandwiches to eat dry, mixture of them in the dangers of sweating during pregnancy increased 27 percent, while those who have more than 5 times during one week
potatoes or chips used in them, the risk increased 50%. Researchers say the amount of instant Chinese food by eating less () glaysymyk index can help to control the sweating.
These findings are important, says prominent member of research which shows that the sweating during pregnancy, women may be unconscious and vomiting and high blood pressure, namely the aiclemsia Prix in which damage to the
children in his mother's womb and long-term effects to the mother than the risk of diabetes type.
According to some experts, some
glaysymyk index () are Chinese dining include the blood immediately in other low g, and this process is gradually came to the meals during pregnancy increase the body's needs, and some women this time sweating disease is born after the baby is born, normally is not
healthy for baby and
mother, however, long Term risks can be created.
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