"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Tuesday 5 January 2016

The amount of sugar in food to be ready app

London: Chinese for human health, the use of harmful, while Europeaoramreca in the root of many illnesses in research that is declared in the United Kingdom parents to your mobile phone to download a free app available in the market, being present in the food , through which it can learn the amount of sugar. England public health was introduced by this app was named "sugar" smart app which food items to scan the bar code on the packaging of sugar present in the after total amounts in grams or kiaps.
Agency officials say they hope this app to use in people with coronary heart disease, cancers, diseases of the teeth and an adjunct trend and type to compete with diabetes. It is part of the New England public health advertising campaign highlights the fact that four jinge life that matters, but younger children are using 3 times more than the limit in Chinese which is harmful impact on the health of their reason and an adjunct. This awareness campaign is made that 4-to 10-year-old children eat an average of 22 kg each year are more and more sugar and sugar is the weight average weight 5-year-old boy, the kiaps 5500 even more. Experts say that the purpose of the app is to create awareness that there is sugar in daily diet, and this app works on more than 75 products available in the country from which his parents to buy these products before they can decide, evaluate the amount of sugar present in that they are harmful to children's health how to buy them. Public health expert that your child matters, the Chief food of Englan thank you're using too much because of which many more dangerous infections that ensued, one tooth, went before the weight is created when more weight and an adjunct in adults prone to diabetes type airway diseases heart, and several types of cancer are more at risk of being born. Experts say that parents who indulge their children by Chinese drinks less sugar drinks, water or low-fat dairy products that change. Experts will be surprised to learn that some people make this app brand yogurt and fruit drinks there is sugar in order to apply for the app store app smart address products through sugar easily on the mobile can be downloaded.

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