"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Sunday, 20 March 2016

Amazing pistol like as the ring wearning || Weapons technology

Weapons technology: Paris looked to be more people smoking gun skiing Pool guns in movies James Bond surprises and will become the fact that there was not a concept, but scientists say the ring brought a certain small number of the world is put in surprise.
French scientists designed as ring finger nails shaped like a pistol was called 'le petit protector' pistol and does not in any way see at a glance. Scientists said that the size of the smallest pistol in the world is estimated to be 4 mm, while the six-cylinder in the firing pin shot. Experts say that it will be offered for sale only this month and initially the price would be set at $ 1850.

Scientists say it is the best and the incredible art design and unique assists, pistol has less power than ordinary pistol but a great defense weapon that can be used secretly. According to experts, the concept of the pistol was taken from the walking stick, pen gun Pocket gun appeared in films.

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