"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Saturday, 19 March 2016

Despite the global moratorium North Korea's ballistic missile || missile article

Pyongyang missile article: North Korea tested ballistic missiles aside global ban.
According to foreign news agency that North Korea's military announced that he had fired a ballistic missile early 5 pm, 55 minutes north-western city of Sikhs in the sea, which has the potential to hit the target up to 800 kilometers when a ballistic missile successfully test fired for 20 minutes at sea. Military statement said the rodong missile was fired at a car with the help of the two missiles successfully hit their targets.
The United States and South Korea have also confirmed that North Korea fired 2 ballistic missiles into the sea when the two countries expressed serious reservations over the aggressive behavior of North Korea. Maximum range of North Korean missiles rodong a thousand 300 kilometers, can also hit Japan.

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