"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Saturday, 12 March 2016

Now ready one wheel bike amazing style technology

Portland bike technology: the environmentally friendly one wheel bike at the American company is prepared, which can be used for short distances and speed of 15 km per hour travels from.
in the United States, it was said that at a uni cycle of one wheel bike and universities, factories and other places, gardens designed for use where space is tight, and the sound of a motorcycle and smoke can affect the sides.
Rhino is a special system of self-balanced bike that weighs 150 pounds.The handle has a computer algorithm in order to keep balance when the first model was built 8 years ago.
A small button that when Rhino Bike 2 motors, 2 controller, 4 Gyro scope are balanced tilt the bike you can choose depending on your convenience. Biking is an interesting option if the speed will be
faster and slower it will slide back a little bow down to you. While driving you can put it on your weight and the exact pedal feel like you're floating on water skiing.
Rhino bike becomes charged in 6 hours at 120 volts and can set the distance of 15 to 17 kilometers, part of it is made from three printer. Rhino cost is between 5 to 6 million and is designed for short distances personally.

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