"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Sunday, 13 March 2016

The bacteria discovered plastic swallow || discover technology

Tokyo bacteria technology: about the plastic has not only made life hell is rubbish, but are now increasingly close the sewer lines also are taking birth and health problems but scientists out a solution, and it was discovered that mild claims that plastic will also solve the problem of plastic pollution and the children of items will be.
Japanese scientists say the discovery of bacteria has the potential to eliminate the most common type of plastic used in polyethylene bottles. Academic Journal that the bacteria dionela escasez Science has published research in the basic blocks to break the plastic of any kind using two enzymes to be able to remove it.
The World Economic Forum has warned that around the world, one-third of the amount of plastic used in the collection system, which is increasing because of the pollution from plastic, but also because of the natural beauty is being affected, but hope that this new discovery will help to overcome the pollution.
According to the World Economic Forum report If the use of this plastic is growing even more weight plastic fishes 2050 will be lost when the plastic packaging is taken from the regular system only only 14% plastic. In the case of the success of this new discovery, according to the Forum of the world's Ocean and beautiful places will attract attention once again returned.

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