Stockhome: modern technology has easy and luxurious life and often robotk machines are starting to work, but there are a lot of people are still forced to work there with your hands is one of the 7 tasks with the help of technology, interesting inventions and technalogist knowing that you will be able to not smile. The robots working on the idea of having to make their inventions Gayrdzy Simon Swiss woman and intends to show that he is doing so, but some of them, he began to use his house, but now they also want others to perform hand work from the machines rather than why not perform.
Robotk alarm: this robot alarm at the appointed time to take it by the rain of Slap at the mouth of the person he is Awakens one of the robotk arm is connected at the unique alarm remains and the famous 'awaking' machine '' (wake up machine) has been the name of when he installed in your home is by using the clock at the top of the hand of the rubber on the back of their heads is just is installed. Simon came to them at the time the idea of creating the hour according to when they fear Festival ""halloween"" on one hand and the hand be cut off one of the plastic on the same clock thought trafficked. Micro-controller with relay clock in clock is installed is the blends arm.
Tooth brush to brush such inertia in people who slow down machine: show Simon are it for tooth
brush will cause their difficult made easy. They have a Board with the alarm robotk Skateboard Helmets tooth brush is to be folded in front of they will stir up the teeth and brush.
Breakfast machine: make breakfast preparation now but why sit down at the table just to waste time making will it automatically prepare breakfast. Simon says that he is a robot arm in such a way that not only creates the breakfast, but it is also food.
Vegetable cutting machine: vegetables bite is an art and it's hard
when that is hard for women, but it is a solution that is fast and safe, too.
Simon had a knife for cutting aluminium frame, two active botic Board used, but perhaps no one other than him and say they buy one.
Refrigerator Weight placed on the back: Simon says it could be put on the back thinking that create a refrigerator does not cool the water but that only by a full fridge which started the battery and whenever you want to drink cold cool drink during the journey, just be able to get a hand away.

At a House boat or submarine: Simon says it is a big problem and its solution to the House in Stockhome they have is that the ship was in the same House, and is also a long term solution to this problem, but purchased a submarine and he will be converted into housing by modeling recycling. They said the population of human beings to live under the sea and in the sea water and will get the opportunity to spark of life here.
Sound-proof toilet: many things one would like to share a few things that he does not share the toilet. But Simon said they did not want to do the voice of the humble toilet.
Robotk alarm: this robot alarm at the appointed time to take it by the rain of Slap at the mouth of the person he is Awakens one of the robotk arm is connected at the unique alarm remains and the famous 'awaking' machine '' (wake up machine) has been the name of when he installed in your home is by using the clock at the top of the hand of the rubber on the back of their heads is just is installed. Simon came to them at the time the idea of creating the hour according to when they fear Festival ""halloween"" on one hand and the hand be cut off one of the plastic on the same clock thought trafficked. Micro-controller with relay clock in clock is installed is the blends arm.

brush will cause their difficult made easy. They have a Board with the alarm robotk Skateboard Helmets tooth brush is to be folded in front of they will stir up the teeth and brush.

Vegetable cutting machine: vegetables bite is an art and it's hard

Refrigerator Weight placed on the back: Simon says it could be put on the back thinking that create a refrigerator does not cool the water but that only by a full fridge which started the battery and whenever you want to drink cold cool drink during the journey, just be able to get a hand away.

Sound-proof toilet: many things one would like to share a few things that he does not share the toilet. But Simon said they did not want to do the voice of the humble toilet.
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