"The first of April is the day we remember what we are the other 364 days of the year." - Mark Twain

Friday 12 February 2016

Women who eat walnuts to lose weight

Often the simplest foods are very good for health and it is perfect for the bunches that nature has a core protein, healthy fats, fiber, vitamins and minerals and many anti oxidants is designed as a complete food package with.
University of California about of under this research researchers have made 245 women lose weight one year program recruited, aged 22 to 72 years were between. In terms of weight and heart health in several studies to be Walnut Juglans regia was told to lose weight is important for three different types of foods in different fact women groups were divided for food.
A group consists of low-fat on diet, while the second group was more carbohydrates for the addition of a third group diet diet grease appointed women at a nut with grease and low carbohydrate-based diet were for food.
On the completion of six months of all groups was an average of 8% of the initial weight weight loss women, while women who diet at a nut to decrease the weight equally as women in the other group did.
Researcher Dr. shirl rock said there was surprise in comparison with other women to follow the diet of Juglans regia, the level of cholesterol was improved in women.

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